Superman: "One of Our Phantoms is Missing!,Published May, 1977. Supermanreturns home to find a strange, elderly man in his apartment. Within two seconds Superman goes out, changes clothes, goes back to his apartment and knocks the man out stealthily. As Clark leaves to get smelling salts. Written by Cary Bates, pencilled by Curt Swan, ink by Tex Blaisdell, colour by Jerry Serpe and edited by Julius Schwartz.
First appearance of Faora.
“My, my, I'm surprised at you, Superman-- I always thought you were a gentleman! After all, just because I'm from Krypton and therefore invulnerable like you-- That's still no excuse to hit a woman!” - Faora Hu-Ul
4.0 Grade -An average, second-hand, obviously read copy with marks and minor defects but still respectable and appealing.
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive… The Man of Steel fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way.
DC - Action Comics Issue 471 Superman Bronze Age Comic (1977)